Disputes can often be traced back through documents that have been misunderstood, 被遗忘甚至被隐瞒. 老葡京手机app’s 诉讼 support team has significant experience reviewing and analyzing partnership agreements, 离婚协议, 纳税申报表, 保险政策, 法庭命令, 和解协议, 标题记录, 发票及收据, 银行和投资报表, loan statements and a variety of other documents to identify the actual facts in the face of a dispute. This can bring parties in a conflict to a shared agreement of the situation or support a client’s position if no agreement can be reached.
Some conflicts include concerns about hidden assets and property. When a client suspects that a purchase or income stream has not been reported by another party in a dispute, 老葡京手机app’s forensic accountants can search through private and public records such as titles, credit card statements and loan statements to identify the possibility that a party may have been less than forthright about their stated position, and that they may even be concealing factual information that needs to be considered as part of a dispute resolution or settlement.
点击这里了解更多 about 老葡京手机app’s forensic accounting expertise.
当冲突在法庭上结束时, 老葡京手机app is available to provide expert witness testimony about documented agreements and financial matters. Our expertise researching and presenting factual information at a trial can support the legitimate position of a client or, 通过提供书面证据, rebut a legal action that has been taken by another partner in a dispute. 老葡京手机app’s 诉讼 support team members have delivered expert witness testimony in dozens of trials including those concerning marital or partnership disagreements and when valuations have been performed for purposes of establishing business settlements.
Although Hollywood movies commonly depict dramatic disputes played out in the court system, 这条路并不是唯一的出路. If both parties in a dispute are willing to settle their disagreements without recourse to legal options, you can participate in other forms of conflict resolution. Although these alternatives usually involve participation by third-party financial and legal professionals, a successful outcome is usually less emotionally turbulent, less expensive and can preserve relationships that otherwise may be negatively affected.
联系 one of 老葡京手机app’s trained conflict resolution professionals to see how we can help. 点击这里了解更多.